10 Tips to Become a Phone Photographer- Part II
‘Flat Lay’ is now the one of the most popular photography styles on Instagram. When I search #flatlay, it shows me about 785 million results.
Tip 6
Should I Try Something Different?
It can gets boring and repetitive if we always follow the same rules. Sometimes, we should just follow our intuition to move the objects, to add or remove some of them. We can discover a great composition by maybe change the angle, adding more negative space, loose the arrangement, or fill the object to a suitcase or different containers.....

Tips 7
You will need a Treasure Box for Delight
If you take flat lay photos frequently, it will be better to keep an eye on collecting props.
If you like focusing on gourmet, then cute plates and spoons will be very important. Furthermore, the little accessories, magazines,newspapers,stationary,dried flowers will fit all kinds of themes, they add embellishment to the compositions.
Tips 8
Stand Higher the Better
When the props are lay flat on the floor, you can just take the photo by standing by them.However when the props are on a table, you may have to stand on a chair or climb on a ladder to achieve the perfect angle. In other words stand higher the better.

Tip 9
Use the Square Composition
If you are using an iphone, I suggest to use the square frame to shoot. Certainly, you can cut the photos in post editing, but using a square to shoot will help you visualize the result directly.
Tip 10
These Apps have Beautiful Filters
Please keep in mind: post editing is essential to a high quality flat lay. A flat lay master just needs to add a few simple steps to release the potential of a picture. One of the best app is Vsco Cam(they have so many useful filters) , Instagram, Afterlight (great retro filters),Snapseed (great detail treatment). There is no right answer to post-editing tools, you will find out which tool suits you the best through practice.